Frequently Asked Questions
How can I determine when my lensatic compass was manufactured?
The manufactured date can be found on the inside of the compass cover next to the sight wire. In most cases it will be displayed as a series of 3 pairs of numbers: ## ## ## This format stands for the year, month, and lot number. For example: If the compass was made in January of 2004 the date would be displayed 04 01 77. The lot number 77 is a generic number for compasses made outside of a government contract. On some compasses, the date would be displayed as the year followed by the Julian date. The Julian date is simply the number of days that has passed in a given year 1-365. This would be displayed as a single number followed by three numbers: # ### For example: If a compass was made on the first of January, 1994 the date would be displayed as 4 001. If a compass was made on the last day of December, 1993 the date would be displayed as 3 365.
What is the “SWAT” version lensatic compass?
The SWAT model is the same as Model 3H except for the color. Model 3H is military olive drab. Model B3H, also known as the “SWAT” version is finished with a low luster black powder coat finish. It is popular with a variety of law enforcement agencies.
How long will the tritium last?
Tritium has a “Half-life” of almost twelve and a half years. Experience proves that the strength of tritium, between 10 and 12 years old, begins to decline rapidly. We generally tell people to expect “A good ten years” out of our tritium micro lights. Of course, the compass may be used for longer periods of time, but the night time luminous feature will fade rapidly after 10-12 years.
How do I use the Cammenga Compass?
To find how the US Military uses the Cammenga Compass, visit Land Navigation with Map and Lensatic Compass
Do I need to pay Sales Tax if I'm in the US?
If you are a domestic customer in Michigan, yes. If you are a domestic customer in another state, no you do not.
Do I need to pay duties and taxes if I'm an International Customer?
Yes, you are responsible for the duties and taxes in your own country.
Boy Scouts
Who do I contact concerning special offers for Boy Scouts?
Please email us at
Is Cammenga affiliated with the Boy Scouts of America?
Cammenga is not affiliated nor has any relationship with the Boy Scouts of America. The BSA does not benefit financially from participation in this program. The BSA has not provided any membership information (including names, addresses, or membership status) to Cammenga, nor has it endorsed this Compass Program. Rather, this is a program Cammenga has instituted in support of, and as an outreach to, the BSA, Scouts and Scout leaders.
Are any special promotions available to groups other than Boy Scouts?
Yes, we can offer most established scouting groups a similar program. Please contact with your requests.